Our Hotel

Since 1981

Experience vacation

Our hotel has not only tradition, but is certainly one of the pioneers in the field of active and adventure vacations in the region. Launched in 1971 with 33 rooms, the sports hotel has been expanded in recent decades with family apartments, additional rooms and its own indoor riding arena complete with horse stalls and tack room, and the entire building complex was extensively renovated between 2014 and 2016. Due to its proximity to the entire sports infrastructure, the coupling to the hotel’s own riding school as well as a comprehensive health, wellness and further education offer, our house has positioned itself with the beginning of the 2020s as a unique hotel business at the interfaces of experience, well-being and personality training. However, one thing has remained the same since the beginning: our claim to be an excellent host.

Specifically, Sporthotel Beck not only has its own riding stable with fifteen horses and three experienced grooms, but it is also located in the immediate vicinity of an 18-hole golf course and the ski valley station. It also allows for the performance of fringe sports such as archery, mountain biking and cross-country skiing. At the same time, we offer in-house a wide range of health and wellness treatments such as Lomi Lomi and BowTech, as well as workshops and training courses in the areas of personality development and horse-led potential development. What’s more, we have all-day childcare available if needed. Make your vacation an experience. 






in the team

Lived Tradition

Our history

Die Geschichte der Familie Beck in Vorarlberg geht bis in das 16. Jahrhundert zurück. Sie sind aus dem Wallis in das Brandnertal gezogen. Von Beginn an stand die Landwirtschaft im Mittelpunkt, welche heute noch einen wichtigen Teil des Unternehmens darstellt.

The foundation of Sporthotel Beck

Christl and Werner Beck got married in 1965. At the beginning of the 70's, due to the positive development of tourism in Brand, the idea arose to participate and build a hotel. Mrs. Christl Beck, who had been in the innkeeping business from her youth, took on the challenge of managing the hotel alongside her family and her 4 sons. From the beginning, the Sporthotel Beck was and is a family business and owned by the Beck family.


Der erste Trakt des Sporthotel Beck wurde 1971 mit 33 Zimmern und 66 Betten erbaut. Die Fertigstellung sowie die Eröffnung fand am 23.12.1972 statt. Der zweite Trakt mit 18 Familien Apartments wurde 1989 dazu gebaut. Verbunden wurden die beiden Gebäudeteile mit dem heutigen Entree und der Hotelrezeption und bilden so eine architektonische Einheit.

Die Pferde begeisterten Werner und Christl Beck kauften im Jahre 1978 die ersten Haflingerfohlen und legten somit den Grundstein für den erfolgreichen Reit- und Zuchtbetrieb. 1982 wurde die Haflinger-Pferdezucht, mit dem Hotelbetrieb gekoppelt und ein neuer Pferdestall sowie ein Stall für die Rinderzucht wurden gebaut. 1994 kam die Reithalle (20x40 Meter) dazu und wurden mit 8 Pferdeboxen und einer Sattelkammer ergänzt. Mit dieser Erweiterung waren die Weichen der Hotelentwicklung in Richtung Reit- und Familienhotel gestellt.


In 2012 Christl and Werner passed on the hotel business within the family. With the beginning of the summer season 2013, the Beck family hired a general manager for the first time.

In spring 2014 all apartments were renovated. It continued in the spring of 2016 with the double rooms on the second floor. These were generally renovated including the bathrooms. In October/November the renovation was also completed on the 2nd and 3rd floor.

At The Intersection Between Recreation, Self-Discovery And Sport

In May 2020, Manuela Schädler was appointed as managing director.  

With this, the hotel begins to position itself at the interfaces of experience, wellbeing and personality training. With success.

Culinary: Not only good for the body, but also for the soul.

Culinary highlights at Sporthotel Beck

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